"Algo de mis Yo's Puntosuspensivadas (…)" by Brenda G. alias Kamala Telb

Siddharta y Kamala

Palabras de Siddharta a Kamala

"Tú eres como yo, diferente de la mayoría de las personas, eres Kamala y nada más. Dentro de ti hay paz y un refugio a donde puedes ir a cada hora del día. Yo también puedo hacerlo. Poca gente tiene ese asilo y, sin embargo, todos lo podrían tener."

Ujuuum....ASI MISMITO!!

Ujuuum....ASI MISMITO!!

sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014

Binaural Beat Subliminal Sounds Lucid Dreaming PLAYLIST

Binaural Beat Subliminal Sounds Lucid Dreaming


Subido el 23/10/2011

To have a lucid dream you need to be awake when you are dreaming. If you are awake when you are not dreaming
you will have an oobe/or just wake up.(for oobe you need to get your body asleep and you aweke/sleep paralysis)

The binaural sounds at the beginning will get you fast to the Alpha brainwave (observing state), also stimulating Melatonin.
After a few minutes the music sound comes in long waves low tone and high, provoking light stress. In Alpha this will provoke lots of brain discharge resulting in very vivid dreaming + binaural beats will also help get you asleep. At the end, the binaural Hz will suddenly change,psychical waking you up in the dream.

With practice you can control your dream very easily...
Use compact headphones and sleep in any position you like just fall asleep and use stereo headphones :)
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Kamala Telb | Brenda González

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