"Algo de mis Yo's Puntosuspensivadas (…)" by Brenda G. alias Kamala Telb

Siddharta y Kamala

Palabras de Siddharta a Kamala

"Tú eres como yo, diferente de la mayoría de las personas, eres Kamala y nada más. Dentro de ti hay paz y un refugio a donde puedes ir a cada hora del día. Yo también puedo hacerlo. Poca gente tiene ese asilo y, sin embargo, todos lo podrían tener."

Ujuuum....ASI MISMITO!!

Ujuuum....ASI MISMITO!!

martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012

Solfeggio Master Frequency 1122 Hz. HD Meditation

1122Hz is a synthesis or "meta" frequency derived from calculating the output function of the first 12 direct solfeggio tones. As an output function, the essence of each of its tributaries are brought together in the summation of its collective center point, sonically suggesting the integration and synthesis of complete solfeggio spectrum. Great care and attention to detail have gone in to the construction of this track, infusing the Golden Proportion in to virtually every aspect of it; including tempo, duration, carrier tone to entrainment program ratios, the entrainment deceleration process, as well as the peaks and troughs of the music itself. The entrainment program in this track decelerates to an alpha level at 7.91Hz on a 93.5Hz carrier tone, making this track ideal for active morning meditation, study, and creative visualization. This track can be used for further actualizing the benefits of the previous solfeggio frequencies, or as an entry level tool for solfeggio meditation. This track is great for both beginning and advanced meditators, as either a neuro-acoustic or bio-acoustic healing tool. Please use stereo headphones.

Full length - 48 min - audio version is available now! http://sourcevibrations.com/download_solfeggio.html


~Easily enter trance states~

~Meditate as deep as a monk~

~Synchronize your brain hemispheres~

~Tune your consciousness to harmonic frequencies~

Full length version of this and other Solfeggio frequencies, Meditations and Sound healing audio tracks available at: http://sourcevibrations.com/Downloads...

Please use stereo headphones.

Music: Asa
Video: Devorah Rhea


http://www.themindgardener.com _\|/_

With a Love not of this World,
Asa and Devorah Rhea

All music tracks are original and the sole property of Source Vibrations. If you would like to use our audio programs for any reason, please feel free to contact us at: webmaster@sourcevibrations.com

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¡Todo lo mejor!
Kamala Telb | Brenda González

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