"Tú eres como yo, diferente de la mayoría de las personas, eres Kamala y nada más. Dentro de ti hay paz y un refugio a donde puedes ir a cada hora del día. Yo también puedo hacerlo. Poca gente tiene ese asilo y, sin embargo, todos lo podrían tener."
En este espacio comparto algo de mis sentires y pensares mientras recorro mi propia evolución, mi propio Despertar a mi STYLE. Reconozco que las palabras son sólo la punta de un gran iceberg de un constante experienciar de vivencias. Bitacoreo... DÍAS VIVIDOS en PRESENTE PERFECTO! jeje Un abrazote, Todas mis YO's by Brenda G. alias Kamala Telb
"Algo de mis Yo's Puntosuspensivadas (…)" by Brenda G. alias Kamala Telb
Siddharta y Kamala
Palabras de Siddharta a Kamala
Ujuuum....ASI MISMITO!!

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014
(RR) "Wisdom of Thoth : The symptoms of distortion" por Barbara y Robbert-jan Rozenkruis
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Wisdom of Thoth : The symptoms of distortion
Pantheon of Aeternam
My words should find a place in the hearts of all human beings who try desperately to become enlightened.
There is a great faith in peoples heart that they are connected to the god or gods and wish to be free of the burden that they experience on earth. They are aware that their physicality is not the only way to experience truth and they try to disconnect from the body and connect to the spirit. They have been many different teachers on earth who have misinterpreted ancient wisdom by giving it a modern make-over. These teachers took part in the distortion of truth and filled people with promises that never became reality.
All different spiritual movements have something in common and this is sensationalism. There is always a fantastic idea which is vaguely proven to work and all people will believe it, try it, talk about it and then somehow it fades away. This phenomenon is not happening by accident. It is the symptom of distortion on earth. Due to distortion, nothing really grows and develops and this is why there is not result.
Healing that takes place on earth will not heal the dead.
I want people to wake up to the truth and realise that their world is a fantasy. Their power is taken away and ability to communicate with the divine is weak being confused with new spirituality and relevant philosophies and practises. There is a simple way to be enlightened and this means that you will be able to receive your first lesson in cosmic truth when you are truth to yourself. It seems like a simple task but for many people on earth is one of the greatest challenges.
Open your eyes and see that everything around you is false, artificial, distorted and has no true purpose. Some people may think that they have no choice but to accept the illusion in order to survive. I say that you are all free and you can decide for your own lives.
Do not give your power away because if you do you also give your purpose. I want to see the people of earth naked having get rid of the old garments and now standing true beings to receive the grace and follow there path. These are the beings who will connect to the gods and reach there pleroma.
Done by communication between the High Creator God Thoth ,Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis 22-03-2014.
My words should find a place in the hearts of all human beings who try desperately to become enlightened.
There is a great faith in peoples heart that they are connected to the god or gods and wish to be free of the burden that they experience on earth. They are aware that their physicality is not the only way to experience truth and they try to disconnect from the body and connect to the spirit. They have been many different teachers on earth who have misinterpreted ancient wisdom by giving it a modern make-over. These teachers took part in the distortion of truth and filled people with promises that never became reality.
All different spiritual movements have something in common and this is sensationalism. There is always a fantastic idea which is vaguely proven to work and all people will believe it, try it, talk about it and then somehow it fades away. This phenomenon is not happening by accident. It is the symptom of distortion on earth. Due to distortion, nothing really grows and develops and this is why there is not result.
Healing that takes place on earth will not heal the dead.
I want people to wake up to the truth and realise that their world is a fantasy. Their power is taken away and ability to communicate with the divine is weak being confused with new spirituality and relevant philosophies and practises. There is a simple way to be enlightened and this means that you will be able to receive your first lesson in cosmic truth when you are truth to yourself. It seems like a simple task but for many people on earth is one of the greatest challenges.
Open your eyes and see that everything around you is false, artificial, distorted and has no true purpose. Some people may think that they have no choice but to accept the illusion in order to survive. I say that you are all free and you can decide for your own lives.
Do not give your power away because if you do you also give your purpose. I want to see the people of earth naked having get rid of the old garments and now standing true beings to receive the grace and follow there path. These are the beings who will connect to the gods and reach there pleroma.
Done by communication between the High Creator God Thoth ,Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis 22-03-2014.
This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.
She had the gift from birth because this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation.
For more information about the order, or becoming a member please contact us on our e-mail purplerosycross@gmail.com
For more information about the order, or becoming a member please contact us on our e-mail purplerosycross@gmail.com
We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.
True self-value is linked to purity, the gathering and distribution of High Light, the knowing of your essence, your tools and purpose, the fight to complete the task given to you by the High Gods and the Divine Creator and if you exist on the Earth plane you have also to be tuned to the planet and its natural laws.
All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery.
All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery.
All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual qualities to support the divine plan.
Posted by Robbert-jan Rozenkruis at 18:06
Tomado de http://thebrotherhoodofman.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/wisdom-of-thoth-symptoms-of-distortion.html
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Kamala Telb | Brenda González
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